We're working on making our packaging more sustainable


At Grenade we prioritise doing the right thing and we are committed to ensuring all our packaging is designed to be recyclable in 2025.  


We are constantly exploring new materials, methods of improving our packaging and ways we can reduce material consumption whilst protecting and preserving the quality of our products. We continue to use soft plastic wrappers as at this stage switching to a less efficient material could create more food and packaging waste. 


The materials we use currently allow us to provide you with the best quality products whilst enabling us to meet our total packaging elimination goals.​ 


How to Recycle our Wrappers?

All of our protein bar wrappers available in the Australia are made from widely recyclable materials however, due to REDcycle's soft plastics recycling scheme closing, most Australians must discard soft plastics in their garbage bin. Some councils, however do offer soft plastics recycling services.


Please check directly with your council if this is available. 

♻️ We are committed to make 100% of our packaging design to be recylable in 2025 ♻️
Paper and Cardboard

Grenade products are available in over 80 countries globally and we ensure that no matter where you are in the world, our products look and taste the same.​ 


Our aim is to ensure our entire packaging portfolio is designed to be recyclable and to support this we use reliable and widely recycled materials. We use paper and cardboard to support this ambition whilst also minimizing our plastic consumption.​ 



How to Recycle Our Boxes?

All of the cardboard we use in Australia contains a minimum recycled content of 75% and almost all cardboard can be easily recycled at home.​ Just simply flatten and place in your recycling bin where it’s taken be turned into new products. 



🌴 We source 100% sustainably produced RSPO palm oil 🌴

We understand the associated environmental, economic and social impacts through raw material processing and production. We work closely with our supply chain to ensure we are minimizing risk where possible.​ 


This is why 100% of the palm oil we use is sustainably produced and certified by the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) . The roundtable helps to ensure that the palm oil we use helps to eradicate deforestation and improve human rights in the palm oil supply chain. ​ 



Did you know? ​ 

When produced responsibly, palm oil can actually have a lower environmental impact than the majority of its vegetable oil counterparts, as it requires significantly less land to produce a yield of the same size.




Can Grenade protein bar wrappers be recycled

Since the closing of REDcycle's soft plastics recycling scheme, most Australians must discard soft plastics in their garbage bin. However some councils do offer soft plastics recycling services. Please check directly with your council if this is available. 

Can the cardboard box be recycled?

All of the board we use in Australia contains a minimum recycled content of 75% and almost all cardboard can be easily recycled at home. Simply flatten and place in your recycling bin where it’s taken to be turned into new products. 

Why do we use soft plastics?

At Grenade we always prioritise doing the right thing, and we select materials that allow us to provide you with the right levels of protection, preservation and quality. 

Does our packaging contain recycled materials?

Currently our protein bar wrappers do not contain recycled materials, this is due to food safety and quality concerns. All of the board used withing the products available in Australia contains a minimum recycled content of 75% 


Why do we use palm oil?

Palm oil is an important ingredient in many of our recipes because of its cooking properties. Palm oil has a smooth, creamy texture and remains this way even when cooked at high temperatures, which makes it ideal for baking. 

Palm oil is an important ingredient in many of our recipes as it helps make products smooth, soft and stable during cooking. It also acts as a natural preservative and extends the shelf life of products. 

Which of our products contain palm oil?


Grenade White Chocolate Salted Peanut Protein Bar